Friday, January 29, 2010

What Does Resort Wear Mean What Does Resort Casual Mean?

What does resort casual mean? - what does resort wear mean

What button dress shirts and pants. can u sandals?


Anonymous said...

Medium (for boys), shirts with collars (button down or do a polo), and breeches, not for dinner, the sandals are generally acceptable, do not forget to bring a new pair of shoes that they look presentable

Chrystal said...

I dont think thats your problem ... Shirt and Colors
I travel a lot and have no other choice, but my feeling when the waves in hot countries and never had any problems. Call a travel agent to confirm, because you can. but I am so sure you will have no problem

dtykris said...

When you talk stations AI means that you must wear trousers at dinner (all types) and a T-shirt with sleeves and closed shoes, some hotels

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