Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Gastric Indigestion I Have Indigestion Problem?It Results In To Gastric Trouble.Any Home Remedies For It?

I have indigestion Problem?It results in to gastric trouble.Any home remedies for it? - gastric indigestion

Drink the juice of the cucumber. Yuck, you say. But what works well and lasts a long time, before returning to the recording. Besides vinigar in the juice help other gastrointestinal problems.

Trust me, I am a chemist Pharmisutical.


fatsausa... said...

Yogurt as well as Brown Cow.

Mrs. M said...

I have the same problem .. Let me know if you receive no answer ... I mean

sky_raid... said...

Do not eat many acidic foods. Try "Diovol" - I know that it's a home remedy, but it is on the counter. I use it for my acid indigestion and help.

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