Friday, January 1, 2010

Swimming With Bowel Problems Swimming And Bowel Movements?

Swimming and bowel movements? - swimming with bowel problems

10-year-old daughter has had problems for years, but no answers can be found. After swimming was painful, "gas" pain and she feels needs to go to the toilet, but do not worry. She had stool tests, but no answers. It is literally crying on the toilet. Nothing can help him if it feels so. She has normal bowel movements per day, so you do not understand why they should feel that way after the swim. I tried, was to eliminate certain foods or things that I believed to cause a food, but without success. Ideas?

1 comment:

htownins... said...

Did she swallow water? This affects only the pool or in lakes and rivers? It could be chlorine, then. How do swimming, or not nervous about this?

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