Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Miami Guys In Pantyhose What Do You Guys Think Of The Miami Heat?

What do you guys think of the Miami Heat? - miami guys in pantyhose

Do you think they are very underrated on the defensive? I'm not saying they are as good as the Celtics or the Cavs defense, but they are good ..

What must I do to competitors in the Eastern Conference?

Do you need more options for the assessment to help D-Wade?


MC™ (Lakers 13-3) said...

They are a team in the playoffs, that all the heat is so bad that it will not remain in the playoffs, regardless of talented Wade.

THE MVP 3 said...

Dude, do not listen to Mr. C. .. All he cares about the Lakers and Kobe. In any case, Miami is certainly in a position to win against the big teams, the Lakers, Cavaliers, Utah, the Spurs, Magic, etc. .. They are too small to overcome, but try starting from a center of trade. D-Wade is sufficient to clear the first round because it's not like Kobe a necklace .. Wade did not cry for not enough of his teammates around him, is actually his teammates better by an example.

āı3 fäи said...

Ok, it is no warmth from the defense well. Tickets offense is defense wins championships. And as we look at the classification of heat Arent even in the top ten and 19 lost. My seeds are better than them. As DWADE are getting all the shots in scoring average would be higher, you have not watched his PPG? No should not as a rival to the east of the eastern candidates the Cavs, Celts and Magic are. one of the three of them, cuz they are called candidates are likely to enter the final phase of the East. Arent heat, also close to some of the other teams.

Basket baller said...

Yes, it is necessary to get help. My man D-Wade and Super Mario will not make this man alone.

We must have a goal scorer exchange and a great man. You need from Mark Blount and get another big man. (Life was so easy to D when he was healthy Wade and Shaq was still their big men crying in the league!)

And they need a goalscorer Shaun Marion trade, but not getting ahead, around a star like James! You should benifet trade for someone like Josh Howard and the heat Rashard Lewis could. (If we will last, Jason Williams and Shaun Marion for an attacker.

trevor w said...

are very good on defense, they need a center, but if you could Marion for a Kamen Trade Center, although, as he eventually recovered and Haslem can to go to his natural position of PF Beasley to get your location and SF now have the low post presence they so desperately need

Doin what I do best (ⓣⓔⓗ Klan) said...

Now, the heat of a great man.

But defensivly underestimated by many.

You need a bigman.

Mr.President (LAL Fan) said...

D-Wade is the team competition with a tilde

Veda G. said...

You are a kind of good, but I like the Lakers and Celtics can ...

robbenur... said...

You need more to succeed Wade

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