Sunday, January 10, 2010

Binghamton Airport How Can I Go From JFK Airport To Binghamton?

How can I go from JFK airport to Binghamton? - binghamton airport

I am currently in Denmark, and go to the United States for a visit, my plane was landing at JFK at 19:50 Clock. Can anyone speak in detail Bingamton May came to this hour? I also have some Indian currency with me. Can I dollars to JFK airport?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It will take some time, but you should be able to go from one to another:

From JFK you can take the A line subway in New York City.
An online help: ...
Timetable Metro:

Get off at 34th Street - Penn Station.

Greyhound Bus Lines has a terminal at Penn Station, where you can take a bus to Binghamton
Specified in the Greyhound website, u0026lt on the New York City in the field> \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\; Leaving and Binghamton, NY in the \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt VA> field, select the date and the approximate time. Press \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt, Annexes> Research and run again on the next page, and use the service. I think your flight is probably too late at night with the bus that night, so you probably plan to spend the night.

Penn Station Greyhound information: ...

Information Binghampton Greyhound station: / home / Ticket Center ...

There are exchange offices in most terminals at JFK: ...
I have no idea what the prices are, however.

Good luck in your travels.

Edit: The Greyhound bus lines can not really a terminal at Penn Station, only a bus stop (we did not know that Penn Station twice). I do not know where the bus tickets to buy, do not. Look at the Greyhound Web site for information on purchasing tickets and the cost.
Can exploit Greyhound Trailways Bus Company and other trails. I'm not sure that the bus was seen in direction. I'm sure there are places in Penn Station, where more specific information about bus service.

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