Saturday, January 23, 2010

Aching Leg Calves 32 Weeks Pregnant ( R ) Leg Calf Muscle Aching Constantly IS IT A DVT ?

32 weeks pregnant ( R ) leg calf muscle aching constantly IS IT A DVT ? - aching leg calves

hello at 32 weeks pregnant now. for a few weeks to 4 weeks until I often nocturnal cramps in his right calf muscle. I have not suffered until the evening. Last night I had a cramp in his right leg was so bad, literally crying in the room til powerless really happened. In any case, the whole day today my right calf was very sore and painful. IM in a panic that maybe his formation of a blood clot. You know what to think .... It is a blood clot or is it just my calf muscle, as an effect after convulsions. at least 18 hours because I had cramps. not sure, to the doctor or not. x help please


ĀŢĿĄŜ↔ĴŮ... said...

She looks like a Charlie horse in the calf muscles have. It is very common in late pregnancy by the extra weight of all the legs. After an evil that can have a lot of pain for a few days. But if you're really worried, call your doc to be sure. Oh, and you do not know how or why this works, but it works. I have many horses, Charlie and my mother told me to read that if you stop a bar of soap under the mattress RHE at the foot of the bed. I do not think so, but he was willing to try anything. Since I do not have a Charlie Horse ... not funny, right? Good luck!

Tasha said...

That is a fact of life for me simply a horse Charlie. I wonder why pregnant women are more, but I talked to some friends and also came for them. It hurts really, but do not believe that we can do something about it. Before going to bed at night I try to give birth a few stretching exercises to relax. Good luck and congratulations!

~Mini Mama To 2 Love Muffins~ said...

It is a blood clot. I had terrible cramps in both legs with my first pregnancy. They are wrong a few days later. Once returned 1 cow, and I could not walk.

Just stretching and massage. I propose to extend the leg work and then before bedtime, which have helped me.

Skadocto... said...

You can not get enough potassium in your diet. Try eating bananas or other foods that are rich in potassium and see if it helps. I have cramps in my legs and feet cramping badly, because I do not have enough potassium, so that's why I say it could be, dass Good luck!

Skadocto... said...

You can not get enough potassium in your diet. Try eating bananas or other foods that are rich in potassium and see if it helps. I have cramps in my legs and feet cramping badly, because I do not have enough potassium, so that's why I say it could be, dass Good luck!

calypso3 said...

Yes, you have a bad horse, Charlie had become pregnant. I've had before. when he start out, flex your feet, pull your toes toward the shin, not blame. should cease. Eat bannanas. Which are rich in potassium, which helps support mucsle cramps. I ate a banana every other day during pregnancy and havent had Charlie horse. 2 pregnancies were bad, every night. My new doctor gave me this advice. and it is normal to have pain the next day had a real bad. If it feels better to control the production process. Free Your Mind only. Good luck!

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