Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Msn For Mac Display Name Resets I'm A Mac User, How Do I Change The Pre-set Font Used To Display Time And Name In MSN (v5.1) Message Window ?

I'm a Mac user, how do I change the pre-set font used to display time and name in MSN (v5.1) message window ? - msn for mac display name resets

For some reason, used after I switched to Mac, MSN Font to see his friend's name and if a message was sent when you became an important source in italics. Not only is it difficult to read, but an eye injury. I want change, but it seems as if already established. Is it possible to change?


nospamcw... said...

In the Messenger menu at the top left, next to the Apple menu, select Preferences, Appearance, and then click Change Source ... at the bottom of the window.

julielov... said...

Sorry, I do not know. I hope that you find someone who knows the answer.

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